Social afternoon Saturday 9 April 2022

Our next social afternoon for all fully paid up members of The Friends of Vintage Trains will be held on Saturday 9 April 2022 at the Tyseley Working Men’s Club (opposite Tyseley Locomotive Works); free car parking will be available in the Tyseley Locomotive Works car park.  The Club, including the bar,  will be open from 1.30 with the talk beginning at 2.00. There will a break at around 2.45 for time to socialise, including a complimentary buffet and a raffle, and the talk will continue at around 3.30 for an hour or so. Members are very welcome to bring a guest for whom there is no charge.

We have 2 guest speakers for this social:

  • Denis Chick, who will give a short address about the Transport Museum at Wythall, of which he is a trustee and Deputy Chairman, and
  • Robin Coombes, who will give a talk The Art of Railway Photography based on (some of) his extensive photograph collection.

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during the afternoon.

Although registration is not required it will be helpful if you could complete this expression of interest to help with the planning of the social, especially the catering.

    Please indicate below if you intend to bring a guest. Guests are limited to one per member and if bringing a guest, a voluntary donation towards the cost of the social will be appreciated.

    Details that you give to us will be stored and used as described in our our privacy statement. Check here if you accept these terms