Steam in Trust, Stock List and other contributions

This page gives details of the Friends’ publications, newsletters and other publications, both printed and electronic. Follow the links to find out more about:

Members of the Friends will receive 4 publications a year at approximately 3 month intervals, alternating between Steam in Trust and the Steam in Trust Newsletter. Steam in Trust is our flagship publication with a blend of feature articles and regular updates, whilst the Newsletter is a shorter publication featuring news and updates about the Friends and our events.

Steam in Trust

Steam in Trust is the Friends’ flagship publication, circulated in printed copy to all members twice a year- a low-resolution version of Steam in Trust is made available on this site approximately a month after the printed copies have been circulated; this on-line version does not show the quality of the publication, which is one of the main benefits of membership. If you have found this and are not a member of the Friends then please visit our joining information page and consider joining the Friends.

The following copies of Steam in Trust are available online:

Steam in Trust newsletter

The Steam in Trust Newsletter, published in alternation with Steam in Trust, is the members newsletter which keeps members updated with all the news from the Friends, Tyseley Locomotive Works and Vintage Trains. It was renamed from Tyseley News for the Winter 2022-2023 issue to reflect its broad range of updates from the Friends and to emphasise its role as a complimentary publication to Steam in Trust. For continuity we continued the issue numbers from Tyseley News.

The Friends of Vintage Trains Committee has decided to make previous issues of the Steam in Trust Newsletter available on this site, so that non-members of the Friends can read our newsletter, after our Members have had chance to read it first. We hope that non-members will find it of interest and an encouragement to join us and contribute to keeping steam heritage preserved and running our trains on the mainline.

The following previous issues of Tyseley News/Steam in Trust Newsletter are available:

Newsletters By Email

The Friends of Vintage Trains members can now receive the Steam in Trust Newletter by email. This saves printing, postage & distribution costs so that more money is directed to the Trust’s restoration projects, so please sign up to receive newsletters by email. You need your membership number to sign up. This page also describes how to update your details or opt out of receiving Tyseley News by email.

From the Archives

The volunteer Archivist for Vintage Trains has kindly agreed to make articles based on items in the Tyseley archives available on this website which will, we hope, be of interest to all members of the Friends. These will be added to on an approximately monthly basis. Follow the links below to see historical information and background to :-

Tyseley Stock and In The Workshop Lists
Tyseley Shed in days gone by
Tyseley shed in days gone by

The 22 July 2024 Tyseley Stock list (PDF, 380 KB) and the 22 May 2024 In The Workshop List (PDF, 368 KB) are now available – thanks to Geoff Middleton and Peter Jeffs.

Please note that this list is maintained by volunteers and might not be complete at the date shown.

Vintage Trains Press Releases

Changing Trains (18 January 2024) (PDF, 152KB)

Other contributions by members of the Friends

We also have an article written by Ray Churchill, one of our longest-standing drivers with 59 years of railway service, prior to his retirement reflecting on his time on the railways and with Vintage Trains; appropriately entitled End of the Line (PDF, 365 KB) it is well worth a read.

Chris Schroeder has contributed a video that he took of a VT run up the Lickey on 14 October 2001 with a pannier banking. The video quality is not the best but the sound is very good.