- Swindon Eng Soc Pamphlet 91 ‘Automatic Cab Signalling’ by H Arkell (GWR) 1909
- The first principles of Railway Signalling by CB Byles (Railway Gazette) 1918
- GWR General Appendix to the Rules and Regulations (GWR) 1920 and 1936
- GWR Synopsis of Course of Instruction on the subject of Safe Working of Railways – various years
- A Great Western Railway Signal Box – British Empire Exhibition Souvenir (GWR) 1925
- Modern Railway Signalling by MG Tweedie & TS Lascelles (Gresham Publishing) 1927
- GWR GA 15 – Alterations and Additions to General Appendix (GWR) 1929
- GWR Magazine Articles – System of Automatic Train Control (GWR) 1930 & 1931
- GWR GA 17 – Alterations and Additions to General Appendix (GWR) 1931
- GWR Automatic Train Control – Description and Notes (GWR) 1931
- Lewis’s Railway Signal Engineering revised by JH Fraser (Constable & Company) 1932
- GWR (London) Debating Soc Lecture No.259 Automatic Train Control by GH Crook (GWR) 1932
- GWR Development Works (Railway Gazette) 1933
- Cheltenham Flyer – A Great Western Railway Book by WG Chapman (GWR) 1934
- Swindon Eng Soc Pamphlet 201 ‘Automatic Train Control System of the GWR’ by AWJ Dymond 1936
- A pictorial Record of Great Western Signalling by A Vaughan (OPC) 1984
- Photograph of ‘Safely Fast’ by artist GPM Green (1933 – 2015) printed 1985
- Encyclopaedia of the Great Western Railway edited by W Adams (Patrick Stephens Ltd) 1993
- GWR Signalling Practice by D Smith (GWSG) 2019