Due to the ongoing Corona virus pandemic we held a 2021 AGM to cover the essential requirements embedded in our Constitution over Zoom on 27 March 2021
The Constitution of the Friends requires us to hold an AGM to ratify the formal business of the Friends. The postponed 2020 meeting was held on 27 March 2021; in these exceptional circumstances just the Committee were in attendance (via Zoom) and kept to the formalities of confirming the accounts, ratifying a new Committee member, appointing the Committee posts and addressing any questions or concerns submitted by Members.
The Chairman’s report, annual accounts and a voting form were sent by post to all Members of the Friends at the end of January 2021 and Members asked to submit questions by the beginning of March 2021. Questions could be submitted by post or online; no questions were received.
The Chairman’s Report (PDF, 534KB) and the audited accounts up to 31st December 2020 (PDF, 160KB) were also made available on the website prior to the AGM. Should any questions have been received, the question and the answer would have been recorded in the minutes which will be circulated in the first issue of Steam in Trust after the AGM, and also posted on the website.
The Annual General Meeting is your opportunity to have your say in the running of the Friends and we did not take the decision lightly to move to this constrained process; we do love the opportunity of meeting up with many of our Friends at the AGMs and it was particularly disappointing as 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of a Friends organisation, under different guises, at Tyseley. Once we are able to gather again in large groups we will be arranging a social event where we hope to be able to meet again in person.